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Marijuana vs Hemp: What’s the difference?

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

The cannabis plant has been used throughout history for various reasons. Properties found within the plant have been known for many years to produce nutrition, medicine, clothing, textiles, plastic alternatives, and so much more!

Much like other plants, cannabis has many varieties. The properties found within these varieties create a unique chemical composition. Commonly found chemical properties in cannabis include flavonoids, terpenoids, and cannabinoids.

The cannabinoid profile of a variety is what defines each one to be either "marijuana" or "hemp". If a variety's cannabinoid profile is abundant with THC then it's defined by law makers as "marijuana". Notice HERE that the DEA even says that Marijuana is cannabis, or a drug "produced by the Cannabis" plant. They state that Marijuana is the drug which is produced by the Cannabis plant. They're basically defining Marijuana as being THC, in that particular statement. It's easy to get confused when we're being told by people who don't even know themselves, what they're really talking about. The truth is that the term "Marijuana" is a slang term that was used as part of the Prohibition Era's movement to scold citizens for their use of the plant. And prior to that the term was used in political ways to make a politician's campaign look bad. If a variety's cannabinoid profile has extremely low or even a non-detectable amount of THC then it is defined by law makers as being "hemp" which is what is federally allowed to be legally used for commercial and industrial crop production thanks to the 2014 and 2018 Farm Bills. These types of legislation, as well as the decriminalization and regulation of medical and recreational cannabis, has allowed for a new Cannabis Industry to emerge allowing for companies and brands (such as HICO/HITN) to operate in commercial settings to serve a broad market of consumers.

Each context of Cannabis has a long history in politics, religion, and culture and basically all aspects of society. Personally, I like using the term "Cannabis".

Benefits & Uses of Hemp

Even though a hemp plant has little or no THC in its profile, it can still be abundant with other cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD). And most Medical and Recreational Marijuana varieties of Cannabis will have 20%-30% THC! In addition to these two common cannabinoids there many other cannabinoids such as CBDA, CBDV, THCA, THCV, CBG, CBGA, CBN, CBC, and many more! These cannabinoid proteins are said to fit our body's endocannabinoid receptors like a "lock and key". Over many decades of prohibition, we've managed to eradicate these cannabinoid proteins from our endocannabinoid system, essentially creating a deficiency in our bodies. By reintroducing these cannabinoid proteins into your daily intake, you can easily help to maintain better levels of cannabinoid proteins for your endocannabinoid system and ultimately correct your Endocannabinoid Deficiency! Cannabis plants also offer a rich nutritional profile which is very significant in the seed of the plant. The cannabis plant can have a profile that is nutrient rich and extremely fibrous, and can provide a wonderful solution to farmers in-need of improving their soil conditions!


The cannabis seed has one of the highest nutritional values when compared to other seeds and nuts, and is also great for birds and animals. Its often used to mix into salads, cereals, trail mixes, and other foods. The seeds can also be pressed to produce an oil that is used widely in various foods such as dressings, cooking oil, supplements, hygiene products, skincare products, and even industrial products such as fuel and ink. When the seeds are pressed they leave behind what is known as the "cake" which can also be used in various foods and skincare products.


The plants stalk is abundant with fiber that is capable of producing a wide range of building materials such as insulation and cement, pretty much all pulp-based products like printing paper and filters, and both consumer and industrial textile products such as diapers and car parts. The hemp stalk can even be used as bedding for many animals, or landscaping needs such as mulch.


Cannabis leaves are able to be used for many pulp based products as well as some medicinal products. The leaves are also rich in nitrogen and can be used for various landscaping and composting needs.


The cannabinoids such as THC and CBD, are mostly found within the flowers of the plant. The flowers are abundant with glands that contain many of the variety's cannabinoid, flavonoid, and terpenoid properties. These properties have been used for many years for their medicinal benefits. The flowers of cannabis can be processed in a manner which allows for these properties to be extracted into a concentrated form, which is then used in the making of various beneficial products such as Skincare Creams, Edibles, & even Products For Dogs!.

So to be clear, terms such as "Hemp" and "Marijuana" are society's own made up definitions of the same plant...CANNABIS! That is to say, both terms are relating to the same plant. But as we all know, plants come in "Varieties". Cherry tomatoes, Purple Cherokee tomatoes, and Beefsteak tomatoes represent a variety of the Tomato Plant. But they're still tomatoes!


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