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Cannzas: Cannabis Agriculture in America

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

Cannzas: Cannabis Agriculture in America by Kevin Early

Bee Well Genetics continues to conduct breeding experiments and other forms of R&D with the Cannzas hemp strain.
Cannzas Industrial Hemp

Hemp was around since before Kansas was “Kansas”! And to discuss this, we're gonna go way way back! During the 1600s, France declared ownership of a vast area of the North American Continent thanks to French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle. This “discovery” of a new land and claim to ownership was the commencement of the American Indian War that would last for over 300 years (1609-1924), as explorers and settlers would intermittently continue to force the Native inhabitants out of their territories. The French called this massive area of land, Louisiana (a.k.a. “New France”). This huge area included the area we now know to be the State of Kansas. CLICK HERE to see a map of Louisiana (a.k.a. “New France”). Though the French claimed ownership to such an enormous area of land, they only occupied a very small portion of the territory, as most of the rest of the land was already being occupied by Native inhabitants (such as the Siouan and Kanza tribes) long before the arrival of René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle.

During the 1600s and 1700s French, Spanish, and British soldiers and settlers continued to arrive to the continent, establishing a Trade System that ultimately birthed what would grow to become the main supplier of the new US Economy. And among the things that would arrive to the continent via explorers and settlers on these Trade Routes, were plants and seeds to be used by a new society for Agriculture to create Medicine, Textile, and other Industrial uses. Plants like Cannabis (“marijuana”), Coca (“cocaine”), and Poppy (“opium”) were used by doctors all over the world to make and prescribe concoctions comprised of these types of plants. And Cannabis was being widely used by various military forces and explorers for uses such as sails, caulking, glue, and rope. In addition to the Cannabis seed brought via Trade Routes, it is very likely that the Cannabis plant already existed on the continent and was likely being used by Native tribes who would collect seed every year to be used for planting during the following year. Throughout history the Cannabis Crop was introduced in some areas by explorers and settlers, while other settlers would adopt an already existing Cannabis crop. That is to say...not only did Cannabis seed arrive, it was already there.

Throughout the 1600s and 1700s, the Cannabis plant became heavily embraced by a New America. Aside from being widely used for Medicine and Fabric, it is important to note once more that Cannabis was being widely grown and processed into rope and sails, which was an important thing to have for any boat or ship owner and an essential item at that time for most any construction project. Rope was also a crucial thing to have if you were a Native, a Settler, or a Cowboy. Throughout history, Cannabis rope has played a significant role in many societies and cultures across the globe. Cannabis was so important during the colonization of America, that it was a mandatory investment for new settlers to bring Cannabis seeds in order to join specific communities. There were even laws that forced new settlers to cultivate Cannabis seeds, and local governments even supplied guidelines to their citizens explaining how to grow their crops.

As Cannabis began to spread across the land, it established a standard and necessary crop for the majority of settlers, farmers, politicians, and business owners. Benjamin Franklin's famous Print and Binding Shop had its very own Paper Mill to supply parchment as well as a large plot of Cannabis plants in order to supply the Paper Mill. While the US was being colonized in the Northeast, France had lost their ownership of their New France territory to Spain in the late 1700's and then regained their ownership thanks to the Paris Treaty in 1763. Then shortly after the end of the Revolutionary War (1775-1783) is when Agriculture began to see a strategic approach from politicians and settlers, with the creation of various Agriculture based organizations such as the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture. This period of time is also when this form of Strategic Agriculture would merge with Industry. An example of this intersection is the creation of the Cotton Gin in 1793. Then in 1803 the New France territory was sold to the US from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase.

By the late 1700s and into the early 1800s, cultivation of Cannabis was a significant factor in supplying Medicine, Textile, and Construction materials to a new US society as well as a newly established US Navy (1775), all of their boats and ships, and all of the boats and ships along the Trade Routes which supplied the US Economy. That's a lot of rope! It actually took about 55 tons of Cannabis fiber to sufficiently rig one of the Navy's vessels! Around this same time is when the very first National Flags were being designed, and it is argued that the first US Flag was actually made from hemp. It is even argued that the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution were each printed on a parchment made from hemp pulp. Incidentally it is also during this period that the establishment of various saloons and “opium dens” takes place as many cities and townships begin to pop up throughout the US, introducing one of the very first forms of substance dependency to New America. The established Trade Routes ensured a continuous supply of opium and many opium dens would also have Cannabis for smoking. This would ultimately lead to many people grouping the two plants into the same category, raising concerns over the recreational use of Cannabis. Also arriving via the Trade Routes were Slaves, most of which were being used in the Agriculture Sector on plantations and farms. While many of these slaves were the very Natives that were already living in the “Great Plains” region of the New France Territory, many more slaves were captured from places like Africa and brought to America via Trade Routes to be sold to the government as soldiers and to the settlers as laborers. As the land continued to fill with civilization, there was a strong emergence of industrial development and it was being based around agriculture.

With more people, more cities, more townships, more Agriculture, and more all led to a buildup of varying personal values in terms of ethics, morality, compassion, culture, and politics. Slavery was playing a big role in the Agriculture sector, and this was a major contributing factor to the buildup of tensions among the settlers and their politicians, which led to the passing of the Missouri Compromise in 1820. The new legislation effectively prohibited slavery anywhere above a certain latitude (36°30´). The North (Union) and the South (Confederacy) were divided by an imaginary line in the form of legislation, and tension still continued to build up throughout the nation. These building tensions turned much of the US Colonies and New France into a battleground, and political lines began to be drawn in the sand. As battlefields began to pop up everywhere, many of the Confederate states had become defeated by the Union Army. Meanwhile the New France Territory (a.k.a. Louisiana) was becoming overwhelmed with conflict and was becoming quickly cornered into deciding which side they wanted to claim...the ”North” or the “South”. At that time the Kansas and Nebraska areas within the New France Territory were full of settlers and Natives...some of whom were pro-slavery while others were anti-slavery.

So the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was passed, which created a boundary between the two areas (Nebraska and Kansas) and allowed people within each of those boundaries to decide if they wanted to claim their State as part of either the Confederacy or the Union. This legislation effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Over the following five years the people of those areas fought to establish themselves as being part of either the Confederacy or the Union, the North or the South, Slavery or Anti-Slavery. With eight Confederate States seceding to the Union Army over the previous couple of months, the Kansas territory prevailed in January of 1861 with a declaration to the Union as a Free State. A year later there was the formation of the Kansas State Agricultural College, displaying Kansas' commitment to the Agriculture sector. These events were extremely significant to the circumstances leading up to the Civil War which lasted until 1865. That was the year that the 13th Amendment passed, thereby ending and prohibiting slavery. There were thirty-six US States at that time, and Kansas was the 10th US State to quickly ratify the proposed amendment on the same day that the proposal was submitted to them for ratification. This was a great step forward for the nation and for slaves in and around Kansas, as it meant they could participate in the emerging Agriculture and Industry sectors while living with freedom and dignity safely inside the boundaries of a “Free State”.

The mid-1700s into the mid-1800s created a lot groundwork for US Industry such as establishment of a society, an economy, transportation systems, townships and cities, and other forms of infrastructure. And now with the end of the Civil War and the end of slavery, the US could resume establishing these cornerstones of a great country. As society moved into the late 1800s, there was a a more commercially influenced scenario approaching Agriculture and its intersection with Industry. And now that Kansas was officially a State, much of the land that was once a Civil War battleground was now being used for commercial agriculture in order to meet the demand from Industry for “feed-stock” (crop material). That is to say... the intersection of Agriculture and Industry was being fueled by a growing US Economy. With this commercial approach came much Research and Development (R&D), and a more scientific approach to processing the crops being grown, in order to manufacture industrial materials and consumer goods for a thriving society.

Then during the late 1800s, many farmers in Kansas experienced flooding, such as the flood in 1867 that killed 8 US soldiers and a civilian at the original site for the US Army's Camp Fletcher Post that was located near what is now known as “Hays”. In addition to flooding, other natural elements gave Kansas farmers a difficult time in the late 1800s. In 1874, insects such as grasshoppers plagued Kansas farms, resulting in much crop failure. Despite crop failures, the approach towards Cannabis Agriculture by the Industry sector was still being taken very seriously, and a handful of US Patents were issued to Kansas residents for their ability to successfully Research and Develop improvements for items such as brakes as well as various machinery, with use of a processed Cannabis crop. Additionally, Kansas' homage to the Agriculture and Industry sectors throughout their exhibit at the 1876 Centennial Exposition was said to be the most impressive of exhibits on display.

By 1890 there were many established Kansas farmers who left their farm and sought success elsewhere. This vast amount of vacant land became quickly occupied by German-Russian Mennonite settlers who brought with them a specific variety of wheat that was said to be originally obtained in Turkey. This new variety was hardy and yielded a great crop, which was exactly what Kansas Agriculture needed after the many forms of devastation experienced after the end of the Industrial Era. All of what happened in the midst of the Industrial Era, allowed for Agriculture and Industry to merge together in a way that was exciting for the US at that time, despite the economic hiccups and natural catastrophes.

The post-Industrial Era up until 1900 brought many obstacles and much concern for Kansas farmers as well as farmers in other states, as they begin to see the Industry sector continue to thrive without the need for domestic Agriculture. In 1898 the Spanish American War resulted in Spain's signing of the Paris Treaty while selling Cuba, Guam, the Philippine Islands, and Puerto Rico (as well as their existing infrastructures) to the US for $20 million. This negotiation opened up an importation source allowing for the US to bring in hemp from large, already existing production farms and facilities in places such as the Philippine Islands. And now that the US had control of large scale Cannabis Agriculture with International Trade Routes, it increased the national surplus which drove the domestic value of hemp crops down, causing many Kansas farmers to abandon their Cannabis crop and switch to other crops such as wheat, corn, and milo grain (a.k.a. “Broom-corn”).

As the early 1900s began, the US was well established with the already existing Native tribes as well as a full population of Americans from the enormous amount of immigrant settlers who had established cities and townships nationwide. All of this had created a really dynamic American society! But it must not be forgotten that during the Industrial Era, much of the very infrastructure that created the Agriculture and Industry sectors in America, as well the US Economy, was established by the very slaves who once called these territories “home”, in addition to the enormous amount of Africans who became enslaved by British and French explorers and settlers. Many of these slaves not only built our nation's infrastructures, but also fought in wars to help protect these infrastructures for an American society.

Between 1900 and 1910 the US resurrected an emphasis on the importance of Domestic Agriculture and began to find new ways to use various crops. Additionally there was a focus placed on the importance of irrigation, soil conditions, rural assistance, and food safety. The politicians and business owners had become concerned with regulations and even began to prohibit the smoking of Cannabis in some regions. New food safety laws began to set labeling requirements for items such as medicines, and ultimately created the initial parameters for what would grow into an American Pharmaceutical Industry. Cannabis was still seen as a viable crop for the Medical Industry, so much so that the Ohio Medical Society published a report in 1900 that identified Cannabis as a treatment for various conditions including epilepsy, asthma, nervous rheumatism, and other conditions as well. Cannabis was also continuing to be widely used for its fiber content. In 1900, the US produced around 1,000 tons of Industrial Hemp crop while importing an additional 1,000 tons for use in the Industry sector.

Cannabis was regaining its popularity as a Cash Crop due to an increase in the demand for rope, and companies began to create crop harvesters and other equipment specifically for hemp crop production taking place in states such as Kansas. In 1902 the International Harvester Company was formed and with a century having passed since the creation of the Cotton Gin, the production of Cannabis was certainly competing with the Cotton Industry in a very significant way, which was frowned upon by business owners and politicians who were heavily vested in the Cotton Industry. It didn't take long at all for International Harvester to become a significant enough force to have a factory based in Kansas and an annual sales exceeding $100 million.

In 1908, International Harvester (an American Company) decided to purchase a very large hemp factory in Mexico that had been idle for many years. Once this news was discovered by Mexican locals, they quickly formed a company of growers in a separate area of Mexico to compete with International Harvester. The presence of International Harvester in Mexico's Agriculture sector was said to have driven down the value of Mexico's Cannabis crops, which caused much tension between Mexico and the US. It was also in 1908 that Henry Ford unveiled his prototype for a vehicle that could function on either gasoline or a fuel that was being produced from Industrial Hemp. Ford Motor Company manufactured and sold their Model T” car up until 1927, making it the longest running production of a car model until 1972! The production of Industrial Hemp in the US from 1901-1910 was around 10,000-15,000 tons in addition to the 10,000-15,000 tons of hemp being imported to the US for various uses in the Industry sector.

By 1914, Cannabis was such a significant contributing factor to US Agriculture and the US Economy, that money was even being made out of hemp. Being that Cannabis Agriculture was significant to the success of the Industry sector and the new US Economy, it would make sense that the first series of Federal Reserve Notes would be printed on hemp paper. The back of the 1914 $5 Note reflects an achievement of exploration and “discovery” of a new land, as well as the first arrival of the Pilgrims. And the back of the 1914 $10 Note reflects America's achievements and establishment of a society's Agriculture, Industry, and Economy since that arrival. Cannabis Agriculture played a huge part in supplying the very rope, caulking, and sails that brought people here, and is also what provided a staple crop for the colonizers in order to create and establish this New America.

But this positive attitude towards Cannabis' role in the Agriculture sector quickly become obscured by various politically influenced endeavors and circumstances. And between 1910 and 1920 the Mexican Revolution had forced people to migrate to the US, setting a stage for what would become the “Reefer Madness” era of Cannabis' role in US society. Then things took a more drastic turn. The exponential growth of the nation during the 1800s built the US Economy into a significant force, but it was now faced with a World War which certainly caused this established economy, as well as the Agriculture and Industry sectors, to take a huge hit. The US was only able to produce about 1,000 tons of Industrial Hemp during 1914, but continued to import 8,000-10,000 tons to be used by the Industry sector as well as for military needs.

After WWI, society reemerged with a positive attitude and a desire to maintain freedom. With this came a growing attraction towards life, music, dancing, alcohol, gambling, and other forms of enjoyment. All of this began to refuel the national economy. One growing economical demand was medicine. Aside from injured soldiers there were new illnesses to deal with. And with the ending of WWI and the reemergence of a new society, came more problems with substance addiction. US Soldiers who had been treated with opium had come home addicted to the substance. The fact that opium was here waiting for them to return from war, certainly did not make matters any better. And with the growing presence of opium in the US there was an increase in recreational use of the substance as well, which led to the passing of the Harrison Narcotics Act in 1915. This would effectively tax and regulate the use and commercialization of substances such as opium and cocaine, ultimately allowing for a developing Pharmaceutical Industry to have full control over society's use of such plant based substances. With the war over and the economy returning to normality, Cannabis continued to thrive in the Agriculture sector and the US produced 4,000-5,000 tons of industrial hemp while importing an additional 5,000 tons to be used by Industry. Cannabis cultivation continued to ramp up and in 1917 the US produced over 20,000 tons of industrial hemp while still importing an additional 6,000 tons to be used by the Industry sector.

By 1927 opium addiction had evolved into a scary scenario for the US, and many states, including Kansas, began to adopt anti-drug laws which included the smoking of Cannabis. There were various political endeavors as well as the circumstances brought forth by the Mexican Revolution which all conditioned society into a “Reefer Madness” zeitgeist, and a politically influenced society began to consider Cannabis to be in the same realm as cocaine and opium. Many of the political maneuvers intentionally forced citizens to associate the Cannabis plant with the addictions being formed by the massive use of substances made from completely different plants, such as Coca and Poppy. Over the following years the nation's Agriculture Sector continued to suffer and the Industry Sector experienced backlash from workers who wanted higher wages to accommodate the increase in their cost of living. New forms of Taxation contributed to the nationwide rise of Living Costs. And then with the infamous Stock Market Crash of 1929, the economy was back to being in turmoil. Despite the growing stigma towards Cannabis as a recreational substance, the Cannabis plant had proven to be a positive commodity crop and was continuing to be noticed for its ability to produce plastics, fuel, and medicine all on a commercial scale. However, the economic turmoil from the Stock Market Crash had moved the nation into an Economic Depression which stagnated both sectors of Agriculture and Industry. This stagnated economy had created a frustrating time for Kansas farmers, as well as farmers in other states. So in 1929 the Agriculture Marketing Act was created as an effort to bring financial relief to farmers and workers across the nation. This legislation ultimately led to the creation of the Agricultural Adjustment Act in 1933 which was among the first forms of Welfare for US citizens, and essentially allowed farmers to liquidate surplus crops.

Over the next decade the negative political campaigns toward Cannabis continued to fuel society's “Reefer Madness” zeitgeist, and various forms of new legislation became enacted, much of which allowed for more governmental control over taxation scenarios within the Agriculture and Industry sectors. In 1937, the US Government enacted the Marihuana Tax Act” (a.k.a. the “Marijuana Tax Act”) which did not in any way criminalize the use or possession of Cannabis. But it did tax anyone who wanted to grow, produce, sell, or otherwise profit from Cannabis. This quickly created an illicit market for Cannabis that still thrives to this very day (2020). One group specifically targeted by this taxation was the numerous doctors who were prescribing Cannabis for medical use, which had been taking place for well over couple hundred years in the US. Additionally, it was even being prescribed and used to mitigate society's continued problem with opium addiction. The government felt that these doctors who were trying to help people, should be paying ADDITIONAL taxes simply for utilizing a plant. To top it off, the government was very restrictive as to who they would allow to have a Tax Stamp to produce Cannabis. All of these precursors contributed to the continued development of an Illicit Drug Market and a monopolizing Pharmaceutical Industry.

Keep in mind that the government has long been losing money at this point due to a World War and a Great Depression, and the US Agriculture sector that was once creating revenue for the US Government (thanks greatly to Industrial Hemp Production), was no longer a significant source of revenue to the politicians involved. And as they see people beginning to profit from the very plant that once filled their piggy banks, they decide to create a piece of legislation that effectively allows them to profit from a doctor prescribing someone a Cannabis product. The American Medical Association was not in support of the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act because of the fact that Cannabis was being widely used by people, and being widely prescribed by doctors....and with undeniably positive treatment results! And most of all, they saw the legislation as an unnecessary form of control over use of a plant. Other factors certainly contributed to the enactment of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, but all in all the goal of the legislation was to eliminate a person's ability to profit from Cannabis without first paying a specific tax to the United States.

Then in 1939, after a decade of being in a Depression, the US was faced with yet another World War. This time the war lasted over half a decade and it drove many farmers, industries, and business owners into bankruptcy while it led many others to becoming soldiers. By the time the 1950s arrived, abandoned farm houses throughout Kansas and other states were not being used, and leftover farmland was not being farmed. Then in 1970 the Controlled Substances Act was passed, prohibiting any production of Cannabis, as well as any use of Cannabis. Furthermore, the Act declared the Cannabis plant to offer no medical value. This was the nail in the coffin for any hopes for the return of Industrial Hemp Production to Kansas Agriculture, and the Industry sector moving forward was forced to rely on less sustainable crops. Globally speaking, this gave other countries the upper hand in terms of production of Industrial Hemp crops and the development of agriculture-based technology. The Controlled Substances Act declared the medical value of Cocaine and Opium, placing them entirely under Pharmaceutical control, thereby allowing the substances to be used in prescribing medicine to an already opium dependent society. This new legislation on “Controlled Substances”, and a certain Presidential (Nixon) Administration's approach to “drugs” spawned the Drug Enforcement Agency (a.k.a. The “DEA”) in 1973. Nearly 50 (ineffective) years later, and prohibition continues to ruin lives and prevent Agriculture, Industry, and the US Economy from benefiting from the incredible things the Cannabis plant has to offer. It wasn't until 2014 when the US finally reconsidered Cannabis as an agricultural commodity, thanks to the 2014 Agricultural Act. This Act established a program that allowed for industrial hemp to once again be grown, process, manufactured, and consumed legally. It is certainly a great step forward, however, there is much restriction surrounding the Cannabis Plant, and the government's stance towards THC prevents much of Cannabis' ability to be exempt from the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.

The passing of the 2018 Agricultural Act has allowed for commercialization of the hemp crop, and much of those crops are processed and used for the manufacturing of various products. Cannabidiol (a.k.a. "CBD") Skincare Products such as lotion, salve, and face cream contain anti-inflammatory properties and nutrients that are found in the Cannabis plant. These properties are great for Skin Health! CBD found in the Cannabis plant has also found to be very beneficial for dogs that are experiencing issues with anxiety, seizures, and arthritis! CBD For Dogs has become quite popular and CBD is also being used for other pets such as cats and horses. Another growing market for the Industrial Hemp crop is the CBD Edibles niche. Tasty treats such as CBD Lollipops are now commonly found inside stores across the nation! There's even CBD Hot Sauce for those who like some kick with their meals!

Now when you consider that timeline (1600-2014), and all of the events that took place in and around the area we know to be Kansas, consider this...

In 1890, a particular family arrived by wagon to the State of Kansas. During this time the US State was less than 30 years old, and the specific area that the family settled was not far from a military base that was active from 1865 (at the end of the Civil War) up until a year before the family arrived to the area. Kansas in 1890 was a Free State that was thriving with Agriculture and Industry. That family built a house on a thousand acres of land and began to farm agriculture crops that were in demand, or “commodity crops”. Hemp, cotton, corn, soy, and wheat are crops that were not only in demand at that time, but they were crops that could thrive in the region's environmental conditions. That family's land is still there to this very day, however, the farm has not functioned since around 1950, and much of the terrain that remains there is simply what's left over from agricultural abandonment. It's just an empty leftover farmhouse on land that once was used to produce crops. And the family's farm is surrounded by other farmland that was used for the same purpose, with similar crops.

Now let's say it's 2014 and you are driving down an old road in the middle of “Nowhere, Kansas” and you spot this deserted farm house setting way, way back on a bunch of isolated land that was deserted decades ago. You pull onto a gravel road that leads back to the farmhouse, and into the middle of land that has been left untouched. You get to the farmhouse, park the car, and begin to walk further into the land. You keep walking and all of a sudden you are face to face with a few solid acres of hemp. It's not being farmed, and no one knows it's even there. So you enter into the thick “forest” of hemp and you find yourself wandering through 15' tall plants that appear to just keep going and going. A while goes by and you finally pop out of the plot of Cannabis plants and are standing in an open field of abandoned Kansas farmland. Across that field you see another few acres worth of Cannabis plants just naturally growing there. Every year the males pollinate the females, the season comes to an end, the females die and drop the seed they created, and cycle starts over the following Spring. Year after year.

Without doubt, the Cannzas hemp strain is considered to be a “True Strain”, or an “In-Bred Line” (IBL), due to the many years of inbreeding that has taken place without any assistance from a human. This inbreeding has allowed this plant to remain true to its heritage and its origin, and its progeny of seed are brothers and sisters that will each grow to become a nearly identical phenotype to each other, effectively making it a very “stable” cannabis genetic. This extremely minimal lineage also allows great ability for the strain to be used in Cannabis breeding projects, as it can be paired with another “True Strain” to create a “True Hybrid”!

Cannzas Industrial Hemp represents the American history of Cannabis and its contributions to Industry and the US Economy!
Preservation of the Cannzas is crucial for the continued development of Cannabis Agriculture!

To see this hemp naturally growing in these areas, with the history behind it all, and while knowing that it exists on land that has been in the same family since the late 1800s, I can certainly say for sure that Cannzas is a symbol of what contributed to the creation of a great country, its Agriculture, its Industry, and its Economy. If plants could talk, I bet Cannzas would have some incredible stories to tell!

It's hard to say if the Cannzas strain of Cannabis was brought there by that family in 1890, or by the original settlers of Kansas during the early 1800s, or perhaps the French settlers of New France during the early 1700s. Maybe it was there even long before that, and was being used by Natives during the 1600s. If settlers brought the seed, where did they get that? And if the Natives were growing Cannabis there prior to settlers arriving, then where did they get the seed? Or maybe the Cannzas hemp strain is an actual landrace” variety of Cannabis, and was the before any Natives or settlers inhabited the Great Plains region of the continent. It's impossible to say, but what I do know is that Cannzas is stable and now naturally grows in an isolated agricultural area that hasn't been used since the days when hemp was being commercially cultivated in that very region.

But even before the very first explorers ever stepped foot onto the land we now call “Kansas”, the Natives that already existed there and many of these tribes had become well versed in Agricultural methods. Personally speaking, I think there is enough evidence to prove that the oldest known cultures in history used the Cannabis plant in some way, which meant growing it first. I feel that the Cannabis plant was likely already there. Much like how trees exist on every continent (except Antarctica), I believe that the Cannabis plant likely existed in enough regions across the globe to allow most ancient cultures to understand its benefits, the importance of the plant's seed, and how to incorporate the plant into their agriculture practices.

That being said, the Cannzas hemp strain is certainly an inbred variety of the Cannabis plant that has an untainted lineage, allowing it to produce a stable progeny. Its ability to be used for creating additional True Hybrid strains is extremely important for the preservation of the Cannabis plant and the continued development of Cannabis Agriculture. It is naturally and beneficially fibrous. There is an abundance of nutritious properties found within the seeds. And the plant's flowers are substantially abundant with medicinal properties. Cannzas is truly a Cannabis variety of its own!

The Cannzas industrial hemp strain of Cannabis, offers farmers a great multi purpose crop that will produce Fiber, Seed, and Resin!
Cannzas can be used as a multi-purpose crop for Fiber, Seeds, & Resin production!

"Cannzas represents American Agriculture, Integral Industry, & Equal Freedom!"

Interested in American Cannabis History?

Feel free to check out the following timeline to see the chronological roles of

Cannabis in American Society!

Agriculture, Industry, Politics, and Prohibition all play a part in how Cannabis rose to greatness as a commodity crop ,and then became eradicated from our economy through political influence on society.

Pre 1600s Native tribes are already existing on the North American Continent and are already growing Cannabis.

It is unknown if the Cannabis plant was brought to the continent via animal or human.

Did Cannabis already exist here prior to the presence of mankind?


Commencement of the American Indian War from the arrival of explorers and settlers.


French explorers claim ownership of a huge chunk of the North American Continent, including the areas of land that we now know to be Kansas.

British and French explorers and immigrant settlers bring massive amounts of Cannabis seed to the continent.

Many immigrant settlers are forced by law to cultivate large crops of Cannabis.



An enormous amount of Cannabis is being grown across the Great Plains by Natives as well as settlers.


Benjamin Franklin establishes a printing operation that ultimately evolves into a paper mill. Outside of his paper mill, Ben has a very large plot on which Cannabis is grown.

Ben's printing and milling factory would be responsible for producing significant speeches, documents, and various publications.

Much of the parchment being printed on, is made from his own processed hemp crops.


Start of the Industrial Revolution.


George Washington becomes the sole owner of the “Mount Vernon” plantation, consisting of five separate farms on 8,000 acres, and with each farm having its own hemp crops.



Start of the Revolutionary War.

The US Navy is founded, requiring around 55 tons of Cannabis to rig each of their vessels.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense” pamphlet is first drafted, likely on parchment made from processed hemp crops.



The Articles of Confederation are first drafted, likely on parchment made from processed hemp crops.


Mr. Ross to Thomas Jefferson: " I have engaged a Mr. Richard Mathies to inspect, pack and prize the hemp in the several Counties and to employ waggons [that it] may be forwarded to Philadelphia immediately.”


End of the Revolutionary War.



The US Constitution is first drafted, likely on parchment made from processed hemp crops.

The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers were first drafted, likely on parchment made from processed hemp crops, in an effort to support the ratification of the US Constitution.


Creation of the Cotton Gin.

Thomas Jefferson is growing large amounts of fibrous Cannabis.

Thomas Randolph to Thomas Jefferson: "It is necessary to break up meadow grounds once in 5 or 6 years, and on the 5th. or 6th. part of mine I rely for Hemp and flax which, with us, thrive no where so well as in the flat grounds on our little streams."


The Louisiana Purchase allows for the US to own the area known as “New France” a.k.a. Louisiana, which contains the area we know to be Kansas.



Thomas Jefferson's Constitution for Proposed Agricultural Society of Albemarle: "And principally, the cultivation of our primary staples of wheat, tobacco, & hemp, for market."

Instructions for Poplar Forest Management: "An acre of the best ground for hemp, is to be selected, & sown in hemp & to be kept for a permanent hemp patch...”


Thomas Jefferson to John Adams: "[W]e consider a sheep for every person in the family as sufficient to clothe it, in addition to the cotton, hemp & flax which we raise ourselves."

Thomas Jefferson to James Ronaldson). "[Cotton] is spun so much more cheaply than hemp & flax...”


Thomas Jefferson to George Fleming: "[H]emp ... is abundantly productive and will grow for ever on the same spot.”


Thomas Jefferson to Mr. Peale: "[I]n a former letter I mentioned to you that I had adapted a hemp break to my sawmill, which did good work. I have since fixed one to my threshing machine in Bedford, which breaks & beats about 80.℔ a day with a single horse.”


The passage of the Missouri Compromise, creating a division of Union and Confederate territories.


Isaac A. Coles to Thomas Jefferson: "I send you enclosed a specimen of wild Hemp which I find in great abundance on many parts of my Land [Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri]. We have collected a sufficient quantity of it for all our purposes, and find that it makes a much stronger rope than the Hemp of Virginia...”


US Senator of Kentucky, Henry Clay, is growing thousands of pounds of Cannabis.


End of the Industrial Era.


The Kansas-Nebraska Act passes, creating a division separating Nebraska and Kansas, and forcing each territory to choose between being a Slave State or a Free State.


Start of the Civil War, turning farmers into soldiers and farmland into battlefields.


A US Patent is issued to a Kansas resident for Improvement in Machines for Dressing Flax and Hemp.

A US Patent is issued to a Kansas resident for Improvement in Hemp Brakes.


Passing of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, effectively ending Slavery and establishing Kansas as a Free State.

End of the Civil War.


Flooding occurs at Camp Fletcher in Kansas, killing multiple soldiers and a civilian, and ultimately wiping out the Army Post.


A US Patent is issued to a Kansas resident for “Improvement in Hemp Brakes”.



New immigrants arrive to Kansas and begin to farm various crops, including a Turkish variety of wheat.


The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws is established in order to streamline legislation throughout the various States.


The Spanish American War results in an expansion of international economy for the US, effectively reducing the domestic demand for hemp.

This reduction of demand creates a domestic surplus which lowers the value of domestically produced hemp crops.


The Ohio Medical Society publishes their approval of using Cannabis for treating various health conditions.



The Food and Drug Act is passed, becoming the cornerstone for the development of a future Pharmaceutical Industry in America.


The International Harvester Company decides to purchase a large factory in Mexico, in order to expand its capabilities of producing and processing Cannabis.

Henry Ford introduces his “Model T” car that can run on fuel made from processed hemp crops.


Start of the Mexican Revolution.


The Federal Reserve Act is passed, creating the Federal Reserve System and an appointment to issue Federal Reserve Notes in order to establish a standard monetary system.


The first series of Federal Reserve Notes are issued.

Hemp is fully embraced as an Agricultural necessity, for its contribution to Industry.

US Currency is being printed on hemp paper.

World War I.


The passing of the Harrison Narcotics Act effectively regulates the commercialization of substances made from Coca and Poppy plants.

Many states will ultimately include Cannabis in the adoption of rules established by this Act.


End of the American Indian War.

End of the Mexican Revolution.


Many states are implementing anti-drug laws to include the use of Cannabis.

Marijuana Smoking Is Reported Safe” according to an article published in New York, describing an experiment conducted in effort to gain more knowledge of Cannabis' effects.


The Food, Drug, and Insecticide Bureau is established to regulate a developing Pharmaceutical Industry.


Stock Market Crash and the beginning of the Great Depression.

Creation of the Agriculture Marketing Act allows for farmers to gain financial relief.


The US Department of Treasury establishes the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, and assigns Henry Anslinger as the 1st Commissioner of the agency.

The Food, Drug, and Insecticide Bureau is re-established as the Food and Drug Administration (a.k.a. “FDA”).


In response to a depressed economy, the establishment of the Agricultural Adjustment Act creates the first form of welfare for US society, effectively helping to begin recovery from the Great Depression.

Victor Licata murders his family with an ax.


The government feels that the Harrison Narcotics Act from 1915 is lacking in restrictions.

In an effort to create more regulation and enforcement, the Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act is developed by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and passed by government, thereby creating a firm stance in favor of drug prohibition.


A religious group writes an anti-drug screenplay based on the Victor Licata incident that happened in 1933.

RKO Radio Pictures, Inc supplies actors for the filming of the Anti-Drug film.


An Anti-Drug propaganda film is released, entitled Tell Your Children.


The Marijuana Tax Act is drafted by Henry Anslinger and passed by the US government, effectively regulating any form of Cannabis commercialization.


The Tell Your Children anti-drug film is bought by a director, who then adds scenes and re-releases the film in various regions using the following names: - The Burning Question - Dope Addict - Doped Youth - Love Madness - Reefer Madness

1939 - 1945

World War II leaves many farmlands abandoned as farmers become soldiers.


The passing of the Controlled Substances Act effectively eliminates any legal form of hemp production from.


The Nixon Administration establishes the Drug Enforcement Agency (a.k.a. “DEA”).


The implementation of the Agricultural Act creates a research pilot program for commercial cultivation of industrial hemp.


The Farm Bill declares “hemp” to be a Commodity Crop.

This legislation allows for the full commercialization of Industrial Hemp, allowing for full integration with Industry...once again.

I hope you found this to be informative and entertaining!

Please support Cannabis Agriculture!

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