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Updated: Mar 8, 2021


With the recent spawn of the US Cannabis Industry, there has been a growing demand for hemp and CBD products made for animals and pets, specifically dogs. And thanks to these pawzitive changes in cannabis legislation, we've even been able to see a scientific approach to the research of properties found within the cannabis plant, and their benefits to both humans and animals! Even though there is much more research to be achieved, thus far we've been able to discover a variety of benefits that can come from the usage of CBD For Dogs. And at this point much of the scientific and medical communities are in agreement that the non-psychoactive properties of the cannabis plant, such as cannabidiol (a.k.a. “CBD”), are perfectly safe to use as a treatment for a variety of your dog's health conditions.

With the exception of insects, most animals have an Endocannabinoid System that consists of receptors which interact with their overall physiology. That is to say, the body's Endocannabinoid System communicates with other systems in the body, thereby helping to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Opposite of the Endocannabinoid System's receptors are the phytocannabinoids, a specific group of properties that are abundantly found in the cannabis plant. Unfortunately, many of these cannabinoids which supply the Endocannabinoid System's receptors are not found in abundance in most of the commonly found dog foods, and this can mean that most dogs have a deficient Endocannabinoid System. This is why companies such as Hemp Industries of Tennessee LLC and Hemp Industries of Colorado LLC will strategically utilize those plant based properties to create products that help supplement your dog's Endocannabinoid System, to help your dog live a happy and healthy life.

As you can see on this chart pictured below, the cannabis plant contains many properties that each can offer a variety of benefits to the body. And this applies to most animals, including dogs!


Absolutely! Even though there are various types of arthritis that can occur as your dog gets older, most of these types of arthritis have similar symptoms such as swelling and inflammation. The anti-inflammatory benefits that come from the presence of cannabinoids (such as CBD and CBDA) can help to reduce swelling. And swelling around the joints is a major contributor of pain and discomfort! In addition to being anti-inflammatory property, CBD also acts as a bone stimulant which can help more severe cases of arthritis, Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy, and other bone related problems whether they be congenital or inherited conditions. To read more about how CBD can help with arthritis, CLICK HERE!


Indeed! Cannabidiol (a.k.a. “CBD”) has become a well known and widely used anti-epileptic in many products designed to help reduce and/or eliminate convulsions and other types of seizure activity. This is something I have firsthand experience with, as I have been using CBD for my dog's seizure problems for over 5 years now, and with great success!


You bet! The anxiolytic benefit from using CBD for dogs is a significant reason why researchers, veterinary clinics, dog groomers, and dog owners have shown such an interest towards CBD oil and its benefits. Aside from epileptic conditions, many dogs will experience separation anxiety while their owner is away. This type of dog anxiety can also be treated by the anxiolytic benefit of CBD for dogs. Even temporary scenarios can be helped with the use of CBD, such as those special holidays that involve fireworks, large gatherings, relocation, and many other types of instances that may cause your dog to experience high levels of anxiety. And with the upcoming New Year's Eve holiday approaching you may want to go ahead and consider purchasing your CBD oil for your dog, to ensure that it arrives in time for the festivities. Don't let your dog bring in the New Year with a bad case of anxiety and nervousness from the fireworks!


Pawzitively! A key finding in cannabis research has been its anti-proliferative properties, such as CBD and CBDA, which can each help to inhibit irregular cell growth. Tumorous and cancerous cell growth can be treated with the daily ingestion of phytocannabinoids (like CBD and CBDA) that are abundantly found in the cannabis plant, and this is true for most animals that have an Endocannabinoid System. Typically, cannabis treatment for cancer can begin to become effective after a few weeks of daily ingestion. Once the body's system is built up with plenty of cannabinoids, the body will begin to actually attack bad cells and normalize irregular growth of cells.

In addition to these issues CBD for dogs can also help to stimulate appetite, treat the nervous system, treat fungal infections, and can even help with pain management!


The Answer Is Yes! Using CBD for dogs can certainly help many health related issues that commonly occur in dogs. However much like most treatments and medicines, CBD doesn't work every time all of the time. And it isn't a stand alone solution. Other factors such as daily activity and diet must also be considered when treating your pet for any health condition and it is recommended that you consult your dog's vet prior to establishing a daily routine for taking any cannabis product. Which is exactly how CBD for dogs should be used. In order to get the most benefit from your CBD pet products, you want to adhere to a daily routine to ensure that the correct phytocannabinoids are entering your dog's Endocannabinoid System on a consistent basis. And always remember to purchase CBD oil that contains NO THC, when shopping CBD oil for your dog. Many cannabinoids are safe for your dog, such as the non-psychoactive ones. But other properties such as THC are psychoactive and can be neuro-toxic to your pet.


When purchasing CBD for dogs, stay away from any dog brand that doesn't specifically advertise their product to be for pets or dogs. But even CBD dog brands will use a “full spectrum” formula for their CBD oil, which (as mentioned) can be extremely dangerous for your dog. So make sure you find a brand of dog products that offers a CBD oil that is specifically free of “THC9”, “THCA”, "THC8”, or any other form of the THC property. For now, researchers know THC to be neuro-toxic to dogs and much more time will be needed to continue researching the use of THC in dogs. Until then THC is not considered to be safe for your dog.


Make sure you find a good brand of CBD oil for dogs, to ensure that the products you give to your dog are manufactured with your dog's safety in mind! This is why I definitely recommend Hempy Pawz CBD For Dogs! This CBD brand has been making their product since 2014, and they utilize a commercial setting for the manufacturing of their CBD oil for dogs. And most importantly, Hempy Pawz CBD For Dogs contains NO THC!

Remember to FOLOW, LIKE, & SHARE their pages with your friends who also have fur babies!

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